Official Call for Election of the President and Certain Board Members of the African Consortium for Law and Religion Studies
Pursuant to Article 6 of the Constitution of the African Consortium for Law and Religion Studies (“ACLARS”), and acting as President of the Board of Directors of ACLARS, I hereby issue a call for elections to elect a new president of the Consortium. The election will be held during the annual General Assembly meeting of ACLARS, which will occur on May 21, 2024 during the annual conference of the organization to be held at ACLARS annual meeting at the Elephantine Hotel in Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe. The terms of several of the organization’s Board members also expire this year, and elections for new or continuing Board members will also be held at the annual meeting.
According to the ACLARS Constitution, this notice is to be given three months before the date of the election. Those interested in being considered as candidates or the office of President of ACLARS shall submit applications within 21 days from the date of the official call indicating their wish to be considered. Those wishing to be considered as Board members must submit applications to be considered by the same date. These applications should be sent to the President of ACLARS at the following email address: [email protected], with a copy to [email protected].
To be eligible for election under Article 6.1.3 of the ACLARS Constitution, applicants must be current with the payment of ACLARS membership fees, or become current prior to the date for which elections are officially called.
Section 6.10 of the ACLARS Constitution provides that “[i]f there is only one candidate for President . . . the unopposed candidate is deemed to have been elected to his or her office without a vote.” The same is true with respect to Board Members. If more than one candidate applies, Section 6.2 provides that “[a] list of the candidates for the Presidency will be published on the Organization’s website [www.aclars.org] and emailed to members of the Organization at least thirty days prior to the General Assembly meeting at which an election is scheduled.” The same is true if the number of candidates exceeds the number of available Board positions.
February 19, 2024
Kofi Quashigah
Notice for Previous Conference
11th Annual ACLARS Conference
Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe May 19-22, 2024