Law, Religion and the Environment in Africa M. Christian Green and Muhammed Haron, eds. (2020)
African Sun Media (2020)
The subject matter of this year’s volume on environmental issues in Africa could not be more important. The volume addresses of theology, climate change, environmental degradation, and human relations to animals and to land in ways that add immeasurably to the study of African environmentalisms.
Order the book here. Read chapters by clicking on links below.

Author: M. Christian Green
Chapter 1: Ecotheology in Africa: An overview and preliminary assessment
Author: Ezra Chitando
Chapter 2: ‘Do not pollute the land where you are”: Biblical teaching on environmental conservation
Author: Mmapula Diana Kebaneilwe
Chapter 3: Environmental rights and human rights: Negotiating the competing grounds from a Setswana ecological perspective
Author: Kenosi Molato
Chapter 4: Laudato Si’: The Catholic Church’s position on the environment
Author: James Campbell, S.J.
Chapter 5: Promoting environmental justice through the prism of Rastafari in Zimbabwe
Author: Fortune Sibanda
Chapter 6: The issue between the exploitation of natural resources and the protection of the environment and public health in Africa
Author: Jean-Baptiste Sourou
Chapter 7: Traditional beliefs and legal frameworks on environmental protection in accessing clean water in Nigeria
Author: Maryam Bayero-Jimoh
Chapter 8: Faith-based organisations in South Africa and global climate justice
Author: Mary-Anne Plaatjies-Van Huffel
Chapter 9: An Islamic legal framework for the protection of the environment
Author: Fatima Essop
Chapter 10: Rethinking sustainable development in light of maqasid al‑sharia
Author: Nabil Yasien Mohamed
Chapter 11: “We must take the blood out of the city”: Law, religion and butchers’ revolt in southwest Nigeria
Author: Habibat Oladosu-Uthman
Chapter 12: Reflections on law, religion and the environment from an international judge and UN High Commissioner for Human Rights
Author: Navanethem Pillay
Chapter 13: Women and the environment in Nigeria: The experience of women of the Niger Delta
Author: Patricia Imade Gbobo
Chapter 14: Wangari Maathai, an ecofeminist at the crossroad of social justice and environmental development in Kenya
Author: Maryann Mwangi
Chapter 15: Appraisal of ecofeminism perspectives in enhancing environmental sustainability in Kenya
Author: Hildah Mutwiri
Chapter 16: Religion, spirituality and environmental protection amongst the Wê people of Côte d’Ivoire: The example of the Glaè mask, holder of religious power
Author: Célestin Gnonzion
Chapter 17: Environmental sustenance and indigenous hunting practices amongst the Wimbum people, North West Region, Cameroon
Author: Elias Kifon Bongmba & Tanto Richard Talla
Chapter 18: The Ogiek indigenous people, land rights and the environment
Author: Loreen Maseno
Chapter 19: On the margin of religious freedom: Indigenous people, sacred sites and environmental conservation in Kenya’s Endorois and Ogiek peoples
Author: Faith Kabata
Chapter 20: The Sengwer traditional religion and environment sustainability in Embobut Forest, Kenya
Author: King’asia I. Mamati
Chapter 21: African Indigenous Knowledge systems and the conservation of the environment and cultural heritage in Botswana
Author: Senzokuhle Doreen Setume & Phili Abednico
Chapter 22: African traditional religion and indigenous perspectives on the environment
Author: Johan D. van der Vyver
Chapter 23: The religious significance of the environment: A case of sacred sites in the Bobirwa regions in Botswana
Author: Fidelis Nkomazana
Chapter 24: Mitigating Ghana’s insanitary environment: Christian pilgrims’ belief in the sacredness of Prayer Mountains
Author: Philip Kwadwo Okyere
Chapter 25: The socio-legal protection of sacred groves and forest reserves in southwestern Nigeria
Author: Hannah Idowu Olusoga-Tinubi
Chapter 26: Religion and the environment in southern African art and architecture: Western attempts at squaring the circle
Author: Yolanda van der Vyver
Afterword: Africa’s environment: Legally protected, religiously preserved
Author: Muhammed Haron
Appendix: Statement of the African Consortium for Law and Religion Studies: African Perspectives on Human Dignity for Everyone Everywhere
Author: African Consortium for Law and Religion Studies